- "Message me for my Amazon or Paypal fags and slaves. Master deserves a gift today."View
- "I am aware chat is not showing.. The company who hosts the chat has shutdown. It will be replaced as soon as I find an alternative"View
- "Any older fags in SW Florida? … Ft L area? Wanting to be used as urinal? Send a message."View
- "It’s time to serve a real man. Take your place at my feet. Message me today, and $erve now."View
- "A cash slave that knows its purpose,come forward and Idolize -SirMasterOzGod ."View
- "Found my all time favourite slave on this site about 12 months ago, and it’s got me wondering how many other awesome slaves I could’ve met with. If only they weren’t so shy and introduced themselves! Skype : Master.Apollo"View
- "Black superior God in his throne looking for obedient fag cash slaves on their knees to serve master . Skype :Aglogajunction"View
- "Any student with loans? or bitcoins? Send it to me, skype: francisgue"View
- "Yo dirth bags any lossers want to pay fag tax hit my skype live:d0a536bb14b88ac7 KingFrom Russia"View