So I am testing my new hypnosis training.  Who wants to be a guinea pig for me so I can test out what I have been learning?

  1. S Submissive 7 years ago

    got a tape Sir?

  2. WAJD 7 years ago

    Thank you Master Drew. I think it worked on me and I felt extremely relaxed. I think in time you will have this down… And I hope we can do it again

    • Author
      Drew 7 years ago

      You had a session 2 days ago. You are only now posting about it? Bad fag.

  3. Author
    Drew 7 years ago

    Please leave your skype info you want a session instead of asking for a session and then not telling me how to get in contact.

  4. Steve 7 years ago

    could not get enough of Master Drew’s voice. i felt so relaxed and care free after both sessions.

  5. Olly 7 years ago

    I’d love to be trained by hypnosis

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