You cannot simply beg a slave to pay you, or even demand a slave to pay you. You have to make the slave WANT to pay you. There is so many Masters these days, the faggots have choices, and not all are rich so they choose the Masters THEY WANT. If you belong on this site you will know how to make them WANT to pay you. If you find no slaves are paying you, I suggest you find another hobby, this isn’t for you.


  1. Drew 6 years ago


  2. lowlifefaggot 6 years ago

    You said it. Speaking as a true addict who served a Ma$ter for many years, finding a new Ma$ter is nearly impossible. All you newbies want instant gratification. You’d be better to look at the big picture. $laves are investments. Putting in a little sweat equity could pay off ma$$ively. Lately Ma$ters all sound the same. Standing out from the crowd requires getting to know a $lave’s mind and building a special conversation.

  3. Jeffery 4 years ago

    You are supreme

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