- "Every inch of power in my body reminds you of what you lack. That’s why you belong beneath me 😈💪🏻 live:.cid.46a8fbf835fe133b"View
- "Come serve as a wallet to a God. PayPal: @GriffinMiller25 Cashapp: $onlinestud Skype: live:.cid.3bf1d2b857acfca8"View
- "Master Zane is looking for a GYM SPONSOR for the month of July. Be responsible for your Master growing strong and get special shoutouts on X letting everyone know what a good cashfag you are. GYM SPONSOR = $50"View
- "I’ve only come across one actual cashfag in here – the other “fags and slaves” in here are cop-outs and can’t actually handle any form of submission. Not surprised though, I doubt there’s any fags that can prove […]"View