Submit to your Master, bitch!
Open your wallet, do someting usfull now.
Lick my toe, cunt!
The social network where betas come to wor$hip Alphas
Posting nudity will have your account terminated! Broke betas not welcome
Submit to your Master, bitch!
Open your wallet, do someting usfull now.
Lick my toe, cunt!
Hello fags, A week from Saturday my friends are taking me to the Casino to celebrate my birthday. While...
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About Me I’m 23 dominant bi male and looking for submissive bitches who have intelligence enough to understand my...
I want all slaves to click this link to call me and be treat the way a slave should...
Attention All Cash Slaves you are here to pay your Cash Tribute to a True Cash Alpha, you are MY...
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©2018 the socialnetwork where betas losers come to worship Alphas.