• MasterAshton Admin posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago

    This is SPOT ON.

    Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
    “no no no no”
    “Actual sociopaths. HOT sociopaths.”
    “Scorpios only care about sex, money and death.”
    “suuuuper heady and intense and also very frail and immature and flighty”
    “I find them endlessly compelling but also like actually frightening.”
    “YES like scorpios can figure out the one thing that will just ruin you and then dangle it around as a bargaining chip in your relationship”
    “however I will say that I think they are the best kissers.”
    “they are good at doing it”
    “they are the type to want to hang out all the time super intensely and then just one day FALL OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH.”
    “omg yes.”
    “and you’re like, but! but! but! and then they show up again like ‘NBD.’”

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