• MasterDane posted an update 8 years ago

    Attention Cash Fags. You better read this. Listen up you pathetic faggots. You will NEVER have a chance in hell with me if you don’t pay for the privilege of me acknowledging your worthless existence. Only a select few of you will ever get the thrill of a lifetime and get to talk to me and get to see me. If you want to be in that elite group, then pay up. Here is what you’re missing out on and will probably never get to encounter. I am 29, 6-4, 220, 34’’ waist, size 14 feet, 7″ cock, just enough body hair in all the right places, juicy butt you grab on to. You’re already drooling. I can tell, you fucking gay-ass cunts. Don’t waste my time, cash slaves. I’m looking for serious faggots. If you are serious, contact me! I fucking hope so. This offer comes across once in your shitty lifetimes. Pay up now or forever shove cucumbers up your own ass trying to achieve the same mind-blowing feeling you’ll get by being permitted to get on my radar screen

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