• Supreme Master Isaac posted an update 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Level 1: Slave


    Commitment Fee: $50.00 (one-time). This is your initiation into servitude—your first step toward proving your worth.

    Weekly Fee: $50.00, paid promptly without fail.

    Payment Methods: Bitcoin Cash
    Cash App, or YouPay.com


    Acknowledgment: Minimal acknowledgment from Supreme Master Isaac on the platform where you connected.

    Sessions: Three 30-minute sessions per week (Eastern Time). TO display your inferiority via Voice Chat Via Microsoft Teams App.or Via Text message or Telegram, your choice of which method

    Degradation Assignments: Weekly tasks designed to break your ego and deepen your submission.

    Daily Gratitude Messages: Required to send a message daily expressing your devotion to Supreme Master Isaac. Failure results in fines or additional fees.

    Findom Games: Basic participation in findom games to reinforce your financial submission.

    Public Humiliation: Opportunities to be humiliated online to assert your role.

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